Controls the behavior of walk. Specifies how the walk should be performed and what should be stored in the result of the walk.
Enumerator |
M_FS_DIR_WALK_FILTER_FILE | Include files in the list of entries. Anything that is not another type is considered a file.
M_FS_DIR_WALK_FILTER_DIR | Include directories in the list of entries.
M_FS_DIR_WALK_FILTER_PIPE | Include pipes in the list of entries.
M_FS_DIR_WALK_FILTER_SYMLINK | Include symlinks in the list of entries.
M_FS_DIR_WALK_FILTER_HIDDEN | Include hidden locations in the list of entries.
M_FS_DIR_WALK_FILTER_RECURSE | Recurse into directories and include their contents. File system loops (infinite redirects due to symlinks) will be ignored.
M_FS_DIR_WALK_FILTER_FOLLOWSYMLINK | Should symlinks be followed.
M_FS_DIR_WALK_FILTER_JAIL_FAIL | Fail walk if redirection outside of base path.
M_FS_DIR_WALK_FILTER_JAIL_SKIP | Skip entry if redirection outside of base path.
M_FS_DIR_WALK_FILTER_AS_SET | Only include a given entry once. Symlinks could cause a file or directory to show up multiple times in a walk this will exclude the additional entries. Also, only one symlink to a given entry will be included. For example, if there are two symlinks to the same file one symlink will be ingored.
M_FS_DIR_WALK_FILTER_READ_INFO_BASIC | Read/store basic info about the entry. Specifically:
- Is dir.
- Is hidden.
- File size.
- Access time.
- Last modification time.
- Creation time.
M_FS_DIR_WALK_FILTER_READ_INFO_FULL | Read/Store all info about the entry. Specifically:
- All basic info.
- User and Group.
- Permissions.
M_FS_DIR_WALK_FILTER_CASECMP | The pattern matching should be compared to the path in a case insensitive manner.