Logging Subsystem


 Asynchronous Writer
 Tag Ranges
 Stream Module
 NSLog Module
 Android Module
 Filesystem Module
 Syslog Module
 TCP Syslog Module
 Memory Buffer Module

Detailed Description

#include <mstdlib/mstdlib_log.h>


#include <mstdlib/mstdlib_log.h>
#define STREAM_QUEUE_SIZE (1500*1000) // 1.5 MB - small enough to cause a few drops, since all threads combined will
// output about 1.7 MB of data
#define FILE_QUEUE_SIZE (1500*1000) // 1.5 MB
#define SYSLOG_QUEUE_SIZE (10*1000) // 10 KB
#define CRIT_FREQ (500) // critical messages are sent every time message count hits a multiple of this number
#define NUM_MSGS (10*1000) // total number of messages to send
//#define FILE_DO_ARCHIVE //Uncomment to test file archiving.
//#define ADD_LINE_END //Uncomment to add embedded line endings to log messages (tests multiline functionality).
//#define DO_MEMBUF //Uncomment to test membuf.
static const char *archive_cmd = "bzip2 -f";
static const char *archive_ext = ".bz2";
static const char *archive_cmd = NULL;
static const char *archive_ext = NULL;
static const M_bool flush_on_destroy = M_TRUE;
typedef enum {
TAG_1 = 1 << 0,
TAG_2 = 1 << 1,
TAG_3 = 1 << 2,
CRIT_1 = 1 << 3,
CRIT_2 = 1 << 4,
CRIT_3 = 1 << 5
} tags_t;
static const char *tag_to_str(tags_t tag)
switch (tag) {
case TAG_1: return "tag 1";
case TAG_2: return "tag 2";
case TAG_3: return "tag 3";
case CRIT_1: return "CRITICAL 1";
case CRIT_2: return "CRITICAL 2";
case CRIT_3: return "CRITICAL 3";
return "unknown tag";
typedef struct {
M_log_t *log;
const char *msg;
tags_t tag;
tags_t crit_tag;
} tdata_t;
static void set(tdata_t *td, M_log_t *log, const char *msg, tags_t tag, tags_t crit_tag)
td->log = log;
td->msg = msg;
td->tag = tag;
td->crit_tag = crit_tag;
static void prefix_cb(M_buf_t *buf, M_uint64 tag, void *prefix_thunk, void *msg_thunk)
M_bprintf(buf, ": [%s]\t", tag_to_str((tags_t)tag));
static void *test_thread(void *arg)
tdata_t *td = arg;
M_uint64 i;
M_uint64 crit;
crit = CRIT_FREQ;
for (i=0; i<NUM_MSGS; i++) {
tags_t tag;
//M_thread_sleep(10*1000); //Add 10 ms delay
if (crit >= CRIT_FREQ) {
tag = td->crit_tag;
crit = 1;
} else {
tag = td->tag;
err = M_log_printf(td->log, tag, NULL,
"%s --\n %llu",
"%s -- %llu",
td->msg, i);
if (err != M_LOG_SUCCESS) {
M_fprintf(stderr, "Error writing log message: %s\n", M_log_err_to_str(err));
return NULL;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
M_log_t *log;
M_log_module_t *mod_stream;
M_log_module_t *mod_syslog;
M_log_module_t *mod_file;
#ifdef DO_MEMBUF
M_log_module_t *mod_membuf;
M_fs_file_t *membuf_out;
M_buf_t *membuf;
M_threadid_t t1, t2, t3;
tdata_t data1, data2, data3;
// Set up the log.
log = M_log_create(M_LOG_LINE_END_NATIVE, flush_on_destroy, NULL);
M_log_set_time_format(log, "[%a %D %Y %H:%m:%s:%u %z]");
M_log_set_tag_name(log, TAG_1, "tag_1_name");
M_log_set_tag_name(log, TAG_2, "tag_2_name");
M_log_set_tag_name(log, TAG_3, "tag_3_name");
M_log_set_tag_name(log, CRIT_1, "crit_1_name");
M_log_set_tag_name(log, CRIT_2, "crit_2_name");
M_log_set_tag_name(log, CRIT_3, "crit_3_name");
// Set up the stream module.
res = M_log_module_add_stream(log, M_STREAM_STDOUT, STREAM_QUEUE_SIZE, &mod_stream);
//res = M_log_module_add_nslog(log, STREAM_QUEUE_SIZE, &mod_stream);
if (res != M_LOG_SUCCESS) {
M_fprintf(stderr, "Could not add stream module: %s\n", M_log_err_to_str(res));
} else {
M_log_module_set_accepted_tags(log, mod_stream, TAG_1 | TAG_2 | TAG_3 | CRIT_1 | CRIT_2 | CRIT_3);
M_log_module_set_prefix(log, mod_stream, prefix_cb, NULL, NULL);
// Set up the file module.
res = M_log_module_add_file(log, "~/Tmp/logs/testing.log", 15, 150000, 0, FILE_QUEUE_SIZE, archive_cmd, archive_ext, &mod_file);
if (res != M_LOG_SUCCESS) {
M_fprintf(stderr, "Could not add file module: %s\n", M_log_err_to_str(res));
} else {
M_log_module_set_accepted_tags(log, mod_file, TAG_1 | TAG_2 | TAG_3 | CRIT_1 | CRIT_2 | CRIT_3);
M_log_module_set_prefix(log, mod_file, prefix_cb, NULL, NULL);
// Set up the syslog module.
res = M_log_module_add_syslog(log, "log_example", M_SYSLOG_FACILITY_LOCAL5, SYSLOG_QUEUE_SIZE, &mod_syslog);
if (res != M_LOG_SUCCESS) {
M_fprintf(stderr, "Could not add syslog module: %s\n", M_log_err_to_str(res));
} else {
M_log_module_set_accepted_tags(log, mod_syslog, CRIT_1 | CRIT_2 | CRIT_3);
M_log_module_set_prefix(log, mod_syslog, prefix_cb, NULL, NULL);
M_log_module_syslog_set_tag_priority(log, mod_syslog, CRIT_1 | CRIT_2, M_SYSLOG_WARNING);
// Do an emergency call (just to see if it really works).
M_log_emergency(log, "RED ALERT! WOOT WOOT WOOT\r\n");
// Launch three test threads that spam the logger with a bunch of messages.
set(&data1, log, "data1", TAG_1, CRIT_1);
set(&data2, log, "data2", TAG_2, CRIT_2);
set(&data3, log, "data3", TAG_3, CRIT_3);
t1 = M_thread_create(attr, test_thread, &data1);
t2 = M_thread_create(attr, test_thread, &data2);
t3 = M_thread_create(attr, test_thread, &data3);
#ifdef DO_MEMBUF
// Wait a little before we add the membuf module.
M_thread_sleep(50*1000); // 50 ms
res = M_log_module_add_membuf(log, 400*1000, 60*1000, NULL, NULL, &mod_membuf);
if (res != M_LOG_SUCCESS) {
M_fprintf(stderr, "Could not add membuf module: %s\n", M_log_err_to_str(res));
} else {
M_log_module_set_accepted_tags(log, mod_membuf, TAG_1 | CRIT_2);
M_log_module_set_prefix(log, mod_membuf, prefix_cb, NULL, NULL);
// Do a suspend/resume operation.
M_thread_sleep(500); // sleep for 0.5 ms
M_log_resume(log, NULL);
// Wait until all three threads are done spamming.
M_thread_join(t1, NULL);
M_thread_join(t2, NULL);
M_thread_join(t3, NULL);
#ifdef DO_MEMBUF
// Pull contents of membuf, dump to file.
M_log_module_take_membuf(log, mod_membuf, &membuf);
M_fs_file_open(&membuf_out, "~/Tmp/logs/log_membuf.txt", 0, M_FS_FILE_MODE_WRITE | M_FS_FILE_MODE_OVERWRITE, NULL);
M_fs_file_write(membuf_out, (const unsigned char *)M_buf_peek(membuf), M_buf_len(membuf),
// Destroy the log. If internal workers are still processing messages, this will wait until they finish outputting
// their internal message queues and exit. This ensures that we don't see any memory leaks at process exit.
// Wait up to five seconds for threads to finish writing.
struct M_buf M_buf_t
Definition: m_buf.h:77
const char * M_buf_peek(const M_buf_t *buf)
size_t M_buf_len(const M_buf_t *buf)
void M_buf_cancel(M_buf_t *buf) M_FREE(1)
ssize_t M_fprintf(FILE *stream, const char *fmt,...)
size_t M_bprintf(M_buf_t *buf, const char *fmt,...)
struct M_fs_file M_fs_file_t
Definition: m_fs.h:132
Definition: m_fs.h:262
Definition: m_fs.h:251
Definition: m_fs.h:248
void M_fs_file_close(M_fs_file_t *fd)
M_fs_error_t M_fs_file_open(M_fs_file_t **fd, const char *path, size_t buf_size, M_uint32 mode, const M_fs_perms_t *perms)
M_fs_error_t M_fs_file_write(M_fs_file_t *fd, const unsigned char *buf, size_t count, size_t *wrote_len, M_uint32 flags)
M_log_error_t M_log_set_time_format(M_log_t *log, const char *fmt)
M_log_error_t M_log_set_tag_name(M_log_t *log, M_uint64 tag, const char *name)
M_log_error_t M_log_module_set_accepted_tags(M_log_t *log, M_log_module_t *module, M_uint64 tags)
M_log_error_t M_log_module_set_prefix(M_log_t *log, M_log_module_t *module, M_log_prefix_cb prefix_cb, void *prefix_thunk, M_log_destroy_cb thunk_destroy_cb)
void M_log_suspend(M_log_t *log)
const char * M_log_err_to_str(M_log_error_t err)
void M_log_emergency(M_log_t *log, const char *msg)
void M_log_destroy_blocking(M_log_t *log, M_uint64 timeout_ms)
void M_log_resume(M_log_t *log, M_event_t *event)
struct M_log_module M_log_module_t
Definition: m_log.h:126
Definition: m_log.h:210
struct M_log M_log_t
Definition: m_log.h:122
M_log_error_t M_log_printf(M_log_t *log, M_uint64 tag, void *msg_thunk, const char *fmt,...)
M_log_t * M_log_create(M_log_line_end_mode_t mode, M_bool flush_on_destroy, M_event_t *event)
Definition: m_log.h:243
Definition: m_log.h:251
Definition: m_log.h:211
Definition: m_log.h:286
Definition: m_log.h:284
Definition: m_log.h:265
M_log_error_t M_log_module_add_file(M_log_t *log, const char *log_file_path, size_t num_to_keep, M_uint64 autorotate_size, M_uint64 autorotate_time_s, size_t max_queue_bytes, const char *archive_cmd, const char *archive_file_ext, M_log_module_t **out_mod)
M_log_error_t M_log_module_add_membuf(M_log_t *log, size_t buf_size, M_uint64 buf_time_s, M_log_expire_cb expire_cb, void *expire_thunk, M_log_module_t **out_mod)
M_log_error_t M_log_module_take_membuf(M_log_t *log, M_log_module_t *module, M_buf_t **out_buf)
M_log_error_t M_log_module_add_stream(M_log_t *log, M_stream_type_t type, size_t max_queue_bytes, M_log_module_t **out_mod)
M_log_error_t M_log_module_syslog_set_tag_priority(M_log_t *log, M_log_module_t *module, M_uint64 tags, M_syslog_priority_t priority)
M_log_error_t M_log_module_add_syslog(M_log_t *log, const char *product, M_syslog_facility_t facility, size_t max_queue_bytes, M_log_module_t **out_mod)
M_threadid_t M_thread_create(const M_thread_attr_t *attr, void *(*func)(void *), void *arg)
void M_thread_attr_destroy(M_thread_attr_t *attr)
M_thread_attr_t * M_thread_attr_create(void)
struct M_thread_attr M_thread_attr_t
Definition: m_thread.h:228
M_bool M_thread_join(M_threadid_t id, void **value_ptr)
void M_thread_sleep(M_uint64 usec)
void M_thread_attr_set_create_joinable(M_thread_attr_t *attr, M_bool val)
M_uintptr M_threadid_t
Definition: m_thread.h:223

Example (simple logging to a file):

#include <mstdlib/mstdlib.h>
#include <mstdlib/mstdlib_log.h>
#include <mstdlib/mstdlib_thread.h>
typedef enum {
TAG_1 = 1 << 0
} tags_t;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
M_log_t *log;
M_log_module_t *mod_file;
size_t i;
log = M_log_create(M_LOG_LINE_END_NATIVE, M_TRUE, NULL);
M_log_set_tag_name(log, TAG_1, "tag_1_name");
// Use /dev/stdout (*nix/macOS) as a pretend file. We could have specified an actual file that
// exists or not but this is a good way to see what's happening.
res = M_log_module_add_file(log, "/dev/stdout", 15, 150000, 0, 150000, NULL, NULL, &mod_file);
if (res != M_LOG_SUCCESS) {
M_fprintf(stderr, "Could not add file module: %s\n", M_log_err_to_str(res));
return 1;
} else {
M_log_module_set_accepted_tags(log, mod_file, TAG_1);
for (i=0; i<12; i++) {
M_log_printf(log, TAG_1, NULL, "Test.. %zu ...\n", i+1);
return 0;
void M_log_destroy(M_log_t *log)